Entries for subject: [ funny ]


Happy Paul-o-ween!

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

So last night I got a Flickr pro account, because I’ve been meaning to do much more with my photos.  All too many of them sit in a box, or on the computer, and never get to see the light of day.  Hopefully through Flickr, and this site, I can change all that.

So, where to begin?  Why not start with something that’s been a real passion of mine over the years:  Halloween!

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Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Today was a good day.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

Or 4, if you've been under that rock longer than I thought...Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks (not that there’s anything wrong with that - I bet it was a really nice rock), you’ve probably heard about a certain little videogame that was released today. I’m of course referring to Grand Theft Auto IV, a game that was so anxiously anticipated, even I was excited about it - and I don’t even own an Xbox 360 or PS3 (yet). For just about any new technology debut (like the Wii, iPhone, PS3, Halo, etc.) I typically sit back and watch the pandemonium and wonder to myself if all that fuss was truly worth it. But this time my behavior was a little different…

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Monday, December 24th, 2007

To help get all of you in the Christmas spirit, here’s a charming little Santa-themed drawing I made a long time ago:

I was 5 at the time…

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finally know

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

“To be, or not to be: that is the question”
~ William Shakespeare

Life is full of questions. Many of which have plagued scientists and philosophers alike for centuries, such as: “is there life after death?”, “is there a higher power?”, and “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”. Okay, so maybe not that last one, but the point is, hundreds of these questions, from the profound to the absurd, have heretofore gone unanswered.

That is, until now.

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Pizza Pi Theory: Size Matters

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

Get disappointed!... it's Domino'sIt’s a Friday night, and you’re having some people over to watch the movie Crash.  It’s about 7:30, there’s seven of you (5 guys, 2 girls), and you’re getting hungry.  What do you do?


Order pizza, right?

Sounds good, in theory.  But sometimes things don’t always go as planned…

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object sex

Friday, November 14th, 2003

Have you ever looked at an inanimate object and wondered to yourself (or to someone else) if it was male or female?

Wallet?  Male.
Purse?  Female.
Necktie?  Definitely Male.
Paper towels?  … uh, Female?  Maybe?  Hmm…

Well wonder no more, object sex is here.

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go mental

Friday, July 21st, 2000

It’s amazing what you can create using only MS Paint and a little bit of free time.

Check back occasionally, as new comics will be available “whenever the hell I feel like it”.


[ go mental ]

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The Line Game - Courtesy of Sigmund Freud

Sunday, January 4th, 1998

When I was a kid my Dad and I used to play drawing games. Sometimes he would draw a primitive shape or letter and hand it to me, and I would have to turn it into something interesting. An “S” might become a snake, a square might turn into a simple house, etc. Then I would make a squiggle of my own and give it to him to finish, and we would go back and forth like that until one of us ran out of ideas or got bored. So I guess it wasn’t really much of a “game”, but I liked creative drawing so it was fun nonetheless.

Magna Doodle... the most optimal place for drawing boobs and butts since 1974.Often my Dad and I would play the game on my Magna Doodle. You remember those things, right? It had a magnetic tethered pen, a couple of geometrically shaped stamps, and a slider bar that erased your work like “magic”. If yours was anything like mine it probably looked something like that picture on the right except instead of a kitty it probably had some assortment of genitalia drawn on it. Well, maybe not back then, but if you rummaged around to find yours now I bet it would. Because really, what good are creative kids’ toys if your college buddies can’t defile them with their dirty minds later in life?

Anyway, the point is I used to really enjoy drawing, and “The Line Game” as I think we called it was one of my favorites. So I was somewhat pleased when, in my Senior year high school Psych class (of all places), I was presented with the following assignment:

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