Entries for subject: [ thoughts ]


and… we’re back

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Well hello there!  So as you can see, I’m back on paulogy.  As many of you know there’ve been a number of other (not entirely unrelated) things going on lately which have been taking up my time.  But for now at least, my attention has come back here - to a site and blog which I had always intended on keeping current and fresh.

And no, this is not some early April Fool’s joke.  The growing popularity of sites like Facebook and Twitter have caused me to reexamine some of the efforts I’ve taken to market “the brand of Paul Grzymkowski”.  While those relatively new sites, along with ones like YouTube, Flickr and countless others, now have folks from all over the world showcasing themselves and their works, I’ve been at it myself for quite some time.

My first effort, Paul’s Page of Pain, back in 1997 had existed to show off a little about who I was, and more about what I had done.  It underwent a number of revisions as what I did - and considered most interesting - evolved and as I learned new techniques in webdesign.  My second attempt, beautyinchaos, created in 2003, was intended to show off my work exclusively (as it contained nearly no details about myself) but did so by engaging visitors in a kind of extended conversation, instead of just listing everything on a couple pages.

But my third effort, paulogy.com was supposed to be different.  Serving the same purpose initially of showcasing my work, ultimately it was intended to showcase my life - and how the things I’ve created fit into it.  But it never really did.  And why not?

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

Or 4, if you've been under that rock longer than I thought...Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks (not that there’s anything wrong with that - I bet it was a really nice rock), you’ve probably heard about a certain little videogame that was released today. I’m of course referring to Grand Theft Auto IV, a game that was so anxiously anticipated, even I was excited about it - and I don’t even own an Xbox 360 or PS3 (yet). For just about any new technology debut (like the Wii, iPhone, PS3, Halo, etc.) I typically sit back and watch the pandemonium and wonder to myself if all that fuss was truly worth it. But this time my behavior was a little different…

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finally know

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

“To be, or not to be: that is the question”
~ William Shakespeare

Life is full of questions. Many of which have plagued scientists and philosophers alike for centuries, such as: “is there life after death?”, “is there a higher power?”, and “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”. Okay, so maybe not that last one, but the point is, hundreds of these questions, from the profound to the absurd, have heretofore gone unanswered.

That is, until now.

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[ beauty in chaos ]

Monday, March 3rd, 2003

[ sometimes there can be great beauty in chaos ]

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go mental

Friday, July 21st, 2000

It’s amazing what you can create using only MS Paint and a little bit of free time.

Check back occasionally, as new comics will be available “whenever the hell I feel like it”.


[ go mental ]

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