
Ratings Are Back!

May 10th, 2009

In case you hadn’t noticed, ratings are back!

The previous rating system (and data, unfortunately) got lost when I switched servers, so I found and installed this plugin that’s even better than the old one.

For each post there are 5 stars you can click on (like these: ) to rate whatever it is you were reading.

The ratings are:

  • - terrible
  • - lame
  • - okay
  • - good
  • - awesome!

And for each post you can see what the average score is and how many people voted.

I’d love to know how awesome (or awful) you think these things are, so please use the stars to let me know what you think!  The results help me get a better idea of what you’re interested in hearing more (or less) of, and they allow me to do some cool things - like make this page:

Top 20 Awesomest Things on Paulogy

Thanks, and Happy Mother’s Day!


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terriblelameokaygoodawesome! (rate this)
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One comment for “Ratings Are Back!”

  1. Hi, Congratulations to the site owner for this marvelous work you’ve done. It has lots of useful and interesting data.

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