Entries for subject: [ works ]


finally know

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

“To be, or not to be: that is the question”
~ William Shakespeare

Life is full of questions. Many of which have plagued scientists and philosophers alike for centuries, such as: “is there life after death?”, “is there a higher power?”, and “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”. Okay, so maybe not that last one, but the point is, hundreds of these questions, from the profound to the absurd, have heretofore gone unanswered.

That is, until now.

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object sex

Friday, November 14th, 2003

Have you ever looked at an inanimate object and wondered to yourself (or to someone else) if it was male or female?

Wallet?  Male.
Purse?  Female.
Necktie?  Definitely Male.
Paper towels?  … uh, Female?  Maybe?  Hmm…

Well wonder no more, object sex is here.

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TLG 0.7 Beta

Thursday, May 1st, 2003

TLG 0.7 Beta is a transistor-level layout synthesis utility developed for Magic in C.

If you understood fewer than four words in that last sentence, then this entry is most likely not for you :-).  While you may never fully understand or appreciate this project, know that at the very least it was the final requirement that enabled me to receive my Master of Engineering degree.

And it worked pretty damn well.

View the full (53 page) report here.


[ beauty in chaos ]

Monday, March 3rd, 2003

[ sometimes there can be great beauty in chaos ]

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3T - Innovation in Tic-Tac-Toe

Saturday, December 1st, 2001

Using VLSI design and cutting-edge 0.5 micron CMOS microchips to do what any pre-schooler would know how to do already.

Think you know Tic-Tac-Toe? Think again.

See it here, and here.


V P · S Q U A R E D

Sunday, April 29th, 2001

“ECE 476 student masterminds, Vic Aprea and Paul Grzymkowski, have forever altered the fabric of teaching at Cornell University. Their groundbreaking efforts in vertical plotting technology have provided accurate graphical solutions for even the laziest of professors.”

See what happens when two Cornell students, two stepper motors, a whiteboard, and an Atmel microcontroller unite in an unholy explosion of pretentiousness…

[ experience the rapture that is VP · SQUARED ]


Every Place I Have Ever Lived

Tuesday, February 1st, 2000

As an early assignment for Architecture 132 - a class at Cornell I chose to take in part because it filled a history requirement, and because I’ve always been somewhat interested in architecture - we were asked to draw “every place we have ever lived”.  For me that was somewhat easy since, up until college, I had spent my whole life in the same house.  The point, I think, was to reconsider what is needed in a dwelling, and to compare our relatively lavish houses to a gallery of “primitive huts” we had just learned about.  Or something.  Admittedly, the well-attended course wasn’t that well-organized or coherent.

Regardless, it was an opportunity to draw again.  Something I hadn’t spent nearly enough time doing since my days in middle school.  So, with much excitement I chronicled my various dwellings, from childhood up until the present (as of Spring 2000).

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Wednesday, August 19th, 1998


This is a game I created as a high school senior project.
I call it…”DIRT“.

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