

August 19th, 1998


This is a game I created as a high school senior project.
I call it…”DIRT“.

When it came time to present DIRT to my senior class, it was not complete, but it did have three of the rooms that would make up the final game (if a final game were to ever be made).

I created all of the images from scratch using the 3D rendering program Extreme 3D. All of the programming for the game was written in PASCAL (on a Macintosh). The source code is available upon request.

If you enjoy this preview, or have any questions, comments, or suggestions… please tell me! And, if you like what you see… please tell someone else too :-). If there is enough support, DIRT may (someday) find its way to completion. A more detailed tale of my journey in creating the game has been made available here (in PDF format).

Well… thanks for your attention….enjoy!

The creator of DIRT,

Paul J. Grzymkowski

P.S. This web version is only a “preview” of the game… it displays the images, but does not contain the full interactiveness of the actual Macintosh version. The actual game is approximately 11MB and may someday be made available online.

Update: 12/20/01 - An interactive version of DIRT may appear online soon utilizing the latest Macromedia Flash technology. Stay tuned…

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terriblelameokaygoodawesome! (score: 4, votes: 1)
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2 comments for “DIRT”

  1. Or not.

  2. Nice, I like it alot. Reminds me of this game I had on my old 486, Legacy: Realm of Terror.

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